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22. Chaos Communication Congress
3G Investigations
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lecture slides
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Scanning your GPRS/UMTS IP network for fun and profit
We are giving an overview of ip networks used for >=2.5G technologies. Our
main focus is on scanning the overlaying ip network, on different
Voice-over-IP filter implementations and the possibilities to circumvent
We want to explain the ip networks used in GPRS and UMTS cellular networks
from the enduser point of view. How do they work today and what has to be
done to get a normal webpage, voice-over-ip or even a video stream onto your
PDA or SmartPhone.
For your private investigations inside your providers ip network we want to
demonstrate you a tcp/udp port and round-trip-time based traceroute program
based on the .NET compact framework. With the help of this program we want
to analyse the anti voice-over-ip filters implemented by different cellular
providers and show you some possibilities how to circumvent them
_efficently_. So we don't just tunnel all the traffic through a VPN. But
even when these filters become more sophisticated in the future we want to
present some ideas how to defeat your right to talk via voice-over-ip
whereever and whenever you want to.
Here are the slides of our lecture.
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